We know that when companies embrace talent from a range of backgrounds they unlock the potential to create more innovative products, services and approaches, but attracting staff from diverse backgrounds can be challenging.
This series of free workshops will look at how good companies create a strong sense of belonging for all their staff; this not only makes people stay but through reputation, invites people in.
With practical recruitment tips, self-reflective activities, education and discussion, this series is designed to help businesses attract talent from a wider pool of candidates. Consisting of 3 workshops over 3 months, you can register to attend just one, or 2 or all 3 workshops, depending on your area of focus.
Workshop 1: Attracting migrant workers (April 30); this workshop will focus on creating an environment in which colleagues from other countries feel both welcome and comfortable sharing their ideas.
Workshop 2: Attracting workers who behave, think and learn differently (May 28); learn more about different types of neurodiversity (Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism etc) and the actions businesses can take to support and get the best out of their neurodivergent employees, who make up about 20% of the workforce.
Workshop 3: Attracting women to your team (June 18); the final workshop looks at how to overcome the nuanced barriers to women applying for roles and how employers can ensure they remain in the business.
Workshops are designed for Executive Team and People & Culture/HR representatives.
A light lunch will be provided.
Workshops delivered by Suran Dickson from Flipside Consulting. Powered by ChristchurchNZ in partnership with Canterbury Tech.