A great many improvement programs fail simply because they are focusing only on delivering the big bang or worse, they jump to conclusions of what is needed instead of working on is really needed which results in wasted efforts and unhappy employees.
Toyota Kata provides a scientific framework to build your continuous improvement muscles 1 experiment at a time. It can do this by focusing only on the next small step, or experiment, the results of which let you understand if you are going in the direction you need to. These small incremental experiments accelerate your organisations improvement program while giving it the agility to change direction at each experiment. The inbuilt coaching framework gives your people the tools to help each other run the program and drive the continuous improvement that you really need.
This workshop will take you through a hands on exercise on how to apply the Toyota Kata Improvement & Coaching Kata’s to help accelerate your continuous improvement approach while allowing it to be agile rather than a fixed destination, creating better results and more engaged people.
Sign up is via the website.