

| Canterbury Tech

Introducing the 2019 CanterburyTech Winter Mentor programme 

Canterbury Tech wants to grow world-class talent for our local Tech Sector. This mentoring programme is for professionals working in Canterbury’s technology industry. Many successful people credit one or more mentors who made a big impact in helping them achieve early success.

Mentoring isn’t just useful for the mentee (we call them “proteges”), it’s great for mentors too. Mentors will be challenged to stay at the top of their game to provide up-to-date advice.

The 2019 Canterbury Tech Mentor programme is a 12-week structured programme, comprising of mentor matching followed by six fortnightly mentoring sessions across the winter season; mid-June to early September. It is a completely free programme that is run by volunteers who commit to approximately two hours every two weeks including preparation for mentors and actions for the proteges.

Aimed at professionals working in Canterbury’s technology industry who are either early in their careers or mid-career professionals looking for career growth.  The programme has spaces for 18 mentors and 18 proteges. To sign up, please register between 20th May and 4th June 2019 at WINTER MENTOR

Web page:
Email for more information: [email protected]
Twitter: @CantTechMentor


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Welcome to Aotearoa's most active tech community. We're an independent tech organisation that brings together businesses, tertiary and government to elevate opportunities for our 400+ members and community.
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Canterbury Tech
PO Box 19583
Christchurch, 8241
New Zealand
[email protected]
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