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Amazon Web Services announces planned NZD $7.5 billion investment to open data centres in Aotearoa New Zealand

| Member Stories

Article by Tim Dacombe-Bird Tim Dacombe-Bird is the Country Manager for Public Sector at Amazon Web Services in New Zealand   I’m a proud Kiwi and I love the way New Zealand constantly punches above its weight. We have an innate culture of pioneering, innovation, and invention, most recently in…

What’s happening in Canterbury’s tech scene?

| Member Stories

Guest article by Canterbury Tech Sponsor and Crescent Consulting Principal Heidi Griffiths If you are working in the local tech industry you are most likely aware that, due to Covid19, the already desperate skills shortage in all technology areas has been worsened by closed borders and the government moving at a…

UC Business School News and Events Update

| Events

The UC Business School has extensive connections with industry and our partner businesses benefit from having access to talented graduates for recruitment, postgraduate student projects and internships, tailored programmes for individual companies and professional development for busy executives. If you want to work with us contact Tim Winfield, Industry Engagement Manager. NEWS…

Is a more deliberate move towards remote work needed?

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Many Cantabrians are familiar with having to make a quick switch to remote working. Our previous earthquakes pushed a lot of CBD based businesses out to the suburbs and business parks around Christchurch City, many of which have still not moved back to the CBD or do not ever intend…

Concentrate Blog

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Blog post from Greg Williamson of Concentrate Earlier this month while riding in a fully electric car from Guangzhou to Dongguan in China, while ‘talking’ to the driver through a translation app, I reflected on how awesome technology is, and how it can help solve seemingly intractable problems. Journalists might…
