Canterbury Tech

Canterbury Tech Summit tickets are on sale NOW!

| Canterbury Tech

Tech Summit 2024 tickets are on sale now! We are very happy to announce that our 21st Annual Canterbury Tech Summit is on 27th September 2024 at Te Pae Convention centre in Christchurch and tickets sales are now on sale for member and non-member tickets. This year we have the…

Tech Fest 2024

| Canterbury Tech

What’s happening in Tech Week 2024 in Canterbury? We wanted to warmly invite our community to get involved in Canterbury Tech’s efforts for NZ Tech Week from May 20-26.  We are renaming the tech week hub that we started last year and calling it Canterbury TechFest or just TechFest for…

The Canterbury tech committee looking happy on the stage at the Canterbury Tech Summit 2023.

2024 Canterbury Committee Election Details

| Canterbury Tech

It’s that time of year again, Canterbury Tech’s committee elections are upon us! If you’re interested in becoming a committee member in 2024, here is some important information for you to digest. In November we will hold our online elections for new volunteer committee members. If you are interested in…

Tech Summit Sold Out Graphic

The 2022 Tech Summit is SOLD OUT!

| Canterbury Tech

We’re thrilled to announce that the 2022 Tech Summit is officially SOLD OUT! If you missed out on grabbing a ticket this year, you can add yourself to the waitlist here – Alternatively, you can grab a ticket and head along to the CIO Summit 29-30 November here in…

Canterbury Tech Skills Pilot Programme

| Canterbury Tech

    Did you know it is estimated 1 in 10 New Zealander’s are dyslexic? Canterbury Tech has partnered with Dorenda Britten Ltd and Dorenda’s amazing team of researchers and dyslexic experts to deliver one of Canterbury Tech’s first special projects, that is, supporting dyslexic people into tech careers. The…

The Canterbury Tech Ecosystem is Live!

| Canterbury Tech

We are proud to say that,  it’s live!! The Canterbury Tech Ecosystem Map, powered by OrbViz is up and running at  This is something that many stakeholders across the tech scene have been asking for – from job seekers, to companies looking for suppliers, to economic development agencies. We…

Canterbury Tech Needs You!

| Canterbury Tech

We have some great things planned this year at Canterbury Tech – and we are looking for a couple of associates to join our volunteer committee to help shape and drive the strategy of what we do. We are after two more associate committee members with specific skills as below:…

New!! Lunchtime Tech Sessions by Canterbury Tech

| Canterbury Tech

Our NEW Lunchtime Tech Sessions will cover a diverse range of subject matter in an online format whilst we are unable to run in-person events at scale. They will be delivered to a live online audience with opportunities for Q&A. They will also be available to view after the fact on…

Introducing our new Chair – Vaughan Luckman!

| Canterbury Tech

After five years as Treasurer, I am excited to step into the Chair role. I am passionate about the role that tech plays in making business better – and it is exciting to have Canterbury Tech in a position to champion this. With another COVID-disrupted year ahead of us we…

2021 Canterbury Tech Summit update

| Canterbury Tech

We are absolutely gutted, but Tech Summit will NOT be going ahead on Wednesday 26th January. We hope you are already all aware of this, and received the comms we sent out regarding this on Sunday night. We are unable to proceed as an in-person event, due to the government…

Canterbury Tech’s event stance within the NZ Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light System) – 1.12.2021

| Canterbury Tech

The NZ government has signalled for some time that a transition to a new Covid 19 Protection Framework was on the cards (aka the traffic light system). Like many organisations, Canterbury Tech has been considering our stance on the matter of vaccination status with respect to our in-person events, not…

Calling for Nominations – 2022 Canterbury Tech Committee

| Canterbury Tech

Canterbury Tech is calling for nominations for the 2022 Canterbury Tech committee. There are two (2) positions to be elected.  Voting will take place from 30 November – 5 December 2021 via an online voting platform. Our committee consists of six (6) elected committee members and in addition, can include up to 3 ex-officio members and associate…
