Notice is given that the 2018 annual general meeting of Canterbury Software Incorporated (trading as Canterbury Tech) will be held on Tuesday 4 December 2018
Time: AGM from 6pm – 6:45pm – followed by quiz)
Venue: Morrell & Co, 280 Lincoln Road, Addington, Christchurch
Included: 2 drink tokens will be given to each member. Bar snacks will be provided.
Order of Business:
1. Ratification of the minutes of the previous AGM
2. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous AGM
3. Adoption of the Chairman’s report
4. Adoption of financial statements for the year ending 30 June 2018 to view the accounts
5. Appointment of auditor
6. Ratification of changes to the constitution
7. General business
After the AGM we will roll straight onto the much loved annual quiz.