
Introducing our New Brand Look and Feel

| Canterbury Tech

Those who attended Tech Summit will already know, but we have a new brand (and several sub brands) which we have just launched at the Tech Summit 2024. Here is our main new logo but there is much more…


Developing the new brand was an amazing collaboration between Carl Pavletich and his design students Joey, Talisa and Declan at Ara Institute of Canterbury. We’re so thankful for the hard work Carl and his students  put into this rebrand and we hope they got as much out of it as we did!

Louisa Taylor pushes the old logo off the stage afterannouncing the new 2024 brand.

Say goodbye to the old logo.

Why did we rebrand?

We’ve been thinking that now we have celebrated our 21st birthday and  Canterbury Tech is being recognised around the country, it was time to renovate our look and feel in time with the grown up that we wanted to be.  We needed a wider colour palette to apply to all the different activities and events we were putting on,  so part of the brief was to develop a whole new suite of colours and sub-brands to make it easier to communicate.

A whole family of brands

Henry, our membership and events coordinator, wearing the new logo t-shirt at tech Summit 2024

Henry rocking the new brand t-shirt

Our new brand is part of a brand family allowing us to explain all the monthly and major events with a similar look and feel and colours that work together well.

We wanted to give our subbrands a similar vibe while still being recognisable as Canterbury Tech. Think of Canterbury Tech as your favourite ice cream flavour and the sub-brands different toppings.

We quietly introduced you to TechFest‘s new brand earlier in the year so you may recognise that one already.

TechTuesdays, our monthly events have four main themes IRL *In Real Life, Online, Workshops and Careers we’ve updated the brand to reflect the types of events you know and love.


TechTuesdays 4 different logos





Check out the full set of events and logos here

Here is a video of how the new logo is inspired by the previous logo.


And a photo album of some of the team involved and the bringing the new brand to life.


We hope you like it!


About Us
Welcome to Aotearoa's most active tech community. We're an independent tech organisation that brings together businesses, tertiary and government to elevate opportunities for our 400+ members and community.
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Canterbury Tech
PO Box 19583
Christchurch, 8241
New Zealand
[email protected]
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