
Hear from our members...

The replacement of IT systems is necessary, especially in this fast-paced world of rapidly evolving technology. But for many staff members affected by the replacement, it means change and effort….

It’s estimated that people will have 12 jobs during their lives and that people change their careers 5-7 times during their working life. More recently however, approximately 30% of the…

Here’s what you need to know to get a job in tech in New Zealand New year, new recession, new frustrations at work … whether you’re trying to get ahead…

One of my favourite childhood memories was Dad building a large bonfire on the farm and Mum and I would make damper to cook and eat beside the bonfire that…

Is your company struggling to hire IT candidates in a skill short market? What’s your intern or graduate strategy? In an ever competitive skills short technology market a strategy that…

We’ve heard a lot about recession in the last few months. Is there going to be one, or not; how will it impact us in New Zealand? Should I carry…

We have been hearing a lot from tech business in Canterbury about their challenges with attracting and retaining skilled staff and from students and those looking for mid career transitions…

Competing against luck: understanding the drivers of customer choice Most organisations want to grow. As the mantra goes ‘if you’re not growing, you’re being left behind’. But although most organisations…

Custom D is a customised software development company working with clients to develop web & mobile apps, which often need complex, integrated workflows.  They are sector agnostic and work with…

Big Problems and Big Ambitions A growing Christchurch agritech company has big ambitions to create a global rural network to revolutionise biosecurity. Working as the Innovation Manager of Synlait Farms…

Hands up if you’ve ever used Lumin PDF?  You’d be joining over 60 million users globally who are using it to annotate, share and review documents digitally. But did you…

Guest article by Canterbury Tech Sponsor and Crescent Consulting Principal Heidi Griffiths If you are working in the local tech industry you are most likely aware that, due to Covid19, the…